Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Crowdsourcing: Google Maps

to utilize (labor, information, etc.) contributed by the general public to (a project), often via the Internet and without compensation: The team's use of Facebook to crowdsource accurate scientific data allowed the project to be completed on time. The newspaper crowdsourced its investigation into the scandal.

Google Maps started to crowdsorce their pictures to use along with their different views such as photos, traffic, weather, and webcam. It allows you to see actual photos that other people take with their cameras, phones, etc. This is crowdsourcing because it is collecting pictures and information to help real people make choices on places that they want to go.
Click Here To View The Link. This is the Google Blogspot page. They explain how the amateur photos of traffic can help you be more informed about the route you take and actually see how bad it is, rather than just hearing things on the radio. Click Here To View The Link. This link explained how it might have more accurate photos, and you get to see actual photos of businesses, streets, and traffic; as the other one did. In all, I think this is a great and simple crowdsourcing idea that will benefit many people in little ways in the end.