In the the Terri Schiavo case, I think it was a bad idea to take her of life support. According to the quality of life topic, It wasn't very good at the moment. But it could only be blamed on the fact that her husband refused care for his wife. Her family had to keep treatment on the down low, but eventually it stopped. I feel as if somehow, she could have gotten better because there were improvements reported by her family as she went through the underground treatment. But even if the treatment corrected some things, it wouldn't correct everything. She would probably not be able to walk, dress herself, eat through her mouth, use the restroom alone, etc, etc. She wouldn't have of the little luxuries that we as human usually take for granted. She would never be the same, but the real question is : Did it bother her? Did it bother her that she couldn't eat, and drive, and speak in fill sentences. That she couldn't dance and enjoy many of life's gifts.
Terry Shiavo seemed to be enjoying the treatment and the presence of her family. He had positive reactions when they came around. But one person kept taking away her happiness- Her husband. Before she even died, he married again and had multiple children with his new wife. It was thoroughly to my classmates and I. His amount of disrespect for Terri was unbelievable He had ridiculous demands such as her family cant see her, or stopping the treatment, and others. In all, Terri's quality of life was terrible, but much of is could have easily improved if her husband couldn't decide her fate.
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