Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Being Gifted: Is It As Good As It Looks?

Being gifted can be just what it states- A gift. It can also become a never ending pain, both in being judged by others and being judged by yourself. Sometimes it's hard to live up to not only other's expectations but your own. Now especial I'm officially labeled a gifted child, I get disappointed at myself sometimes because Ive realized that I've now set these standards for myself. Other times it serves as a good thing and it helps me push myself to my potential. Other times you get more positive attention for being bright in you classes. Even though these are great, there are some myths about gifted students , by National Association for Gifted Children here. 

That Student Can’t Be Gifted; He’s Receiving Poor Grades
 This is one if the most untrue statements I've ever seen. Out of self expertience I can tell you that homework it TOO EASY for me. Over time, I've lost interest. I can know do an assignment the period before the class and get the same grade as an average student that spent an hour on it. Homework and classwork just seems like busywork to me. I've even come t a point were I dislike doing it a lot. And getting low assessment grades can mean that you're not a good test taker.

All Children Are Gifted
This s a myth. Don't get me wrong, there's a lot of people that are good at certain things, but being good at something and being gifted at something are two entirely separate things.

A truth about being gifted is that your mind is mature. The catch to this is that it doesn't mean that you are mature. Many gifted children suffer from asynchronous development. read more about it here. Another is how gifted children get treated like adults. I kind liked this one because I liked to treated like a mature person even though I wasn't. I was 12 going on 20. I like being perceived s intellectually advanced especially because of my height.

In all, being gifted has it ups and downs. You just have to learn how to deal with it.

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