Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Life in a Day: My Reaction to the Film

The film Life in a Day was based off of user submissions on youtube. They submitted their life in a day from 12:00AM on July 24th 2010 to 12:00AM July 25th 2010. They got 81,000 submissions from 192 countries and 4,500 hours of film. It was directed by Kevin Macdonald. The most memorable scene to me was when the woman showed her scars from her surgerys. I don't know why but I just couldn't forget about that painful image. I liked when they showed that little boy who cleaned shoes. He said he loved his father because he made him food and cared for him, I liked that. I didn't like when they showed that lady pulling out flags from her purse because I thought that was kind of a waste of time. I saw different patterns of humanity in almost all walks of life such as traditions, work, and even waking up in the morning. Juxtapositions are two scenes or images right next to another that show a vast difference or similarity, they would be just about opposites or duplicates. I liked how they started with everyone waking up, and ended with sleeping. I didn't like that weren't that many amount of cultures represented and they didn't show what country the people where in, but I liked how the showed how we were so similar yet so different. I would recommend this movie to a mature friend because I don't think any of my other friends would be able to handle it.

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